Donor Appreciation 2021
Thank you, donors!
We give heart-felt gratitude for…
Donors at the Mission Gifts at Christmas Market, National Presbyterian Church, Washington, DC…
… whose support enabled the Marriage and Family Ministry programs, outreach efforts, programs at UDG, food staples and backpack for orphans at transitions homes, and shoes and cleaning materials to foster families at Easter.
The special donors…
…who enabled the UDG Family Conference in October and the Moldova Baptist Union annual conference in September 2021
The special donors…
…who enabled the Save the Orphans ministry to take place in-person in summer 2021 when American supporters couldn’t travel to participate in person.
And the special donation…
to the Moldova Baptist Children’s Home project used to support the Neaga family and its adopted children.

“My name is Tanya. I am 13 years old, and I live with the B. family. I used to have a mother and father and 5 siblings. My 2 siblings have passed away because my parents didn’t take care of them, then the parents have divorced. They don’t want us, and they don’t visit us. My mother already has other children.
I am very happy to live with this new family. They love me and my two sisters and one little brother. I have a new beautiful house, a new school, good food and many other things. I am not afraid that I will not have food the next day. I like to play, to sing, to ride the bike. I have a bike here. I have a home now.”
April 2021
“My name is Nikolai. I am 10 years old, and I have been living with the N. family for 4 years. For me, family is a place where I can always take shelter, where I feel at home. My mother and biological father can’t take care of me, that’s why the N. family decided to take us to their family and be our parents.
I like to spend time with this family. I like that we often walk together, go on trips. They have taught me to pray the Lord taught me to do good and help others. I learned many good things from them. I really like living with them.”
July 2021
(Names have been changed to protect families)