MMN’s Country Director Slavic Verenciuc and his team continue to work with refugees in Moldova and Ukraine. Slavic reported in early October at the border crossing nearest Chisinau at Palanca, that 500-600 people a day enter, which is substantially less than earlier. Some of these refugees stay in Moldova, but many transit to European countries better able to provide humanitarian support. The Moldovan government provides a free bus for refugees who want to travel to Germany. Slavic and his volunteer team, supported by donations from Moldovans abroad and from concerned churches in the US, sometimes provide transportation for groups of people who pay for transportation support to Romania. Slavic commented recently that he and his wife are currently hosting 34 refugees temporarily in their modest home in Chisinau.
With help from Moldovans in the US, Slavic purchased a second vehicle — a diesel van which enables transportation of more supplies. The vechicle purchased in 2017 after the accident when a bus hit him needs repairs more regularly now as it becomes old (it now has 120,000 miles because of the marriage ministry and refugee work). Fuel prices have significantly grown during the war, and other costs have increased as well. Before the war, diesel fuel was $3.40 gallon. It increased to $6.60 per gallon in spring 2022 before dropping to $5.10 in September. Given that the average annual income in Moldova is $5200, fuel increases represent a very substantial burden. One trip from Chisenau to the nearest border crossing at Palanca is $40-$45.